Brides and I are always looking for unique escort card ideas and fun, useful favors. When you can combine the two it's twice as good.
Heide & Paul's wedding was full of lovely, fun, money saving and unique ideas. One that I loved in particular was the favor. Heide & Paul wanted to give their guests a taste of the best rum the world has to offer, Puerto Rico's
Bacardi Rum. So off I went to the
Bacardi factory for my research (it's a dirty job but someone has to do it) and to pick up
Bacardi nips (I must suggest if you are vacationing in Puerto Rico it's a fun tour. It is interesting, they offer two drinks of your choice at the end and best of all it is completely free). She wanted two nips, one dark and one light, for each guest (they also have flavored nips). We attached them to each other with a pretty ribbon and double sided tape. She made adorable tags that said "Some Puerto Rico Spirit" and they were placed at each guests table setting. When the guests arrived to their seat they all commented on how cute the favors were and how wonderful it was not to have to pack one more item in their luggage. Then I thought what a great favor/escort card. Same idea, you would add the table name/number to the tag. Super cute and you eliminate one extra item on your reception list.
Thanks Heide for the inspiration!
Note: Another useful favor idea... The
fan in the background was placed on the church pews to help guests cool off. Heide added the peach ribbon and adorable starfish to personalize them.