Cake Wrecks

One of the funniest e-mails I have ever received is the one about a cake that was ordered from Wal-Mart for a going away party. The woman who ordered it did so over the phone and this is what she said "Best wishes Suzanne, and underneath that, we will miss you". And this is what she picked up at the store.

Well someone (who is extremely clever) figured out that there must be many cakes that have gone array. And so a blog was born... Cake Wrecks, When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong. 

There weren't to many wedding cake mistakes, but the ones that are posted will make you laugh out loud! Especially the cake that is a replica of the bride... priceless!

If you are at your desk with nothing to do take a quick look at Cake Wrecks and read commentary that is very witty and can potentially make you spit your water out, stop by, it always makes me chuckle.

Your wedding planner,

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